Monday, May 14, 2012

Sacred and Profane Research

This past spring I started to pull together some ideas about Emile Durkheim's concept of the Sacred and the Profane. With some help from one of my colleagues, who happens to be the Chair for Shawnee State's Institutional Review Board (IRB), I was able to submit a proposal to do some research this coming fall.

The basic idea I have is that I want to explore Durkheim's dichotomous relation between things that are mundane and things that are somehow other within religion. It is my assertion that society doesn't use such black and white concepts and that things have various shades of being not mundane that range from Sacred to Taboo.
To explore this relation and this new 'Sacred-Profane' relation, I've created a survey that I'll administer to my students in the fall. I'm curious if men will define the same things differently from women (with regard as to where the items are on the scale) or if age has any impact.

I will be creating the on-line survey this summer to, hopefully, shake loose any problems.

I've attached copies of my project narrative and data points below.


Project Narrative

Data Points

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